Developing Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or... Continue Reading →

Reduce Stress Instantly

Stress is, well, stressful. It’s not just the immediate heart pounding, palms sweating, stomach churning that are worrisome. Chronic stress is linked to serious health conditions like heart disease and stroke. Nipping stress in the bud can make you feel better right away and even help protect against future health issues. The next time you... Continue Reading →

Spiritual Bath (Is a Must)

In our daily lives we can all relate to the feelings between a messy room and a clean room. Clutter, refuse, and objects that are not in their proper places create confusion, imbalance, and waste our time. This is true for our physical lives as well as for our emotional and spiritual lives. I have... Continue Reading →

Everyone should get STONED (Crystal Healing)

Millennials say gemstones don’t just look cute on T-shirts — they also offer a flexible, inclusive spiritual practice. But does it go past these young hyspters? Demand for crystals has surged in recent years, fueled by celebrity endorsements and a New Age resurgence in major cities and the fashion and beauty industries. Crystals have been... Continue Reading →

Why is Chakra balancing so important?

The word “chakra” is often mentioned in metaphysical circles and implicated in healing practices.  What exactly does this mean?  The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel.”  The chakras in the body are wheels of energy, which vary in activity levels, depending on what we are experiencing in our lives. There are seven major... Continue Reading →

Why use the Power of I Am

You ARE the light of the world. What you proclaim through your verbalizations of I AM exposes, illuminates and clearly reveals the underlying cause which initiates the creative process, producing EVERY event, condition and circumstance in YOUR life just as you proclaim and "believe" it will…without fail and with unwavering certainty.What is this creative power... Continue Reading →

Ego vs. Soul

Over the last year, I've developed a keen interest in meditation and developing my intuition. I learned that through practicing meditation my awareness in the present moment grew and my ability to tune into what I'm thinking and feeling also grew. The more I took time to get to know "self" the more  I decided... Continue Reading →

The Power of Forgiveness

The miracle of forgiveness healing is the fastest way to release suffering and live in peace, joy, and wellbeing. It has helped me get past my own suffering as a domestic violence survivor. In order to forgive, we must first decline to resist what we experience in our lives and accept it as it is.... Continue Reading →

Tap into your potentiIal

Did you know that your subconscious mind contains a limitless supply of creativity, powerful stored information, and a vast amount of untapped potential? Would you like to have subconscious mind power, with benefits like: • The ability to heal yourself from the inside out? • A greater sense of empathy & understanding for others? •... Continue Reading →

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